Source code for umbra.ui.widgets.notification_QLabel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


	Windows, Linux, Mac Os X.

	Defines the :class:`Notification_QLabel` class.

	Portions of the code and logic from Prymatex:

#***	Future imports.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

#***	External imports.
from PyQt4.QtCore import QString
from PyQt4.QtCore import QTimer
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt4.QtGui import QLabel

#***	Internal imports.
import foundations.exceptions
import foundations.verbose
from umbra.globals.runtimeGlobals import RuntimeGlobals

#***	Module attributes.
__author__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 - Thomas Mansencal"
__license__ = "GPL V3.0 -"
__maintainer__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = ["LOGGER", "Notification_QLabel"]

LOGGER = foundations.verbose.installLogger()

#***	Module classes and definitions.
[docs]class Notification_QLabel(QLabel): """ Defines a `QLabel <>`_ subclass providing a notification label with fading capabilities. """ # Custom signals definitions. notificationClicked = pyqtSignal(QString) """ This signal is emited by the :class:`Notification_QLabel` class when it receives a mouse press event. ( pyqtSignal ) :return: Current notification text. :rtype: QString """ fadedIn = pyqtSignal() """ This signal is emited by the :class:`Notification_QLabel` class when it has faded in. ( pyqtSignal ) """ fadedOut = pyqtSignal() """ This signal is emited by the :class:`Notification_QLabel` class when it has faded out. ( pyqtSignal ) """ def __init__(self, parent=None, color=None, backgroundColor=None, borderColor=None, anchor=None, horizontalPadding=None, verticalPadding=None, horizontalOffset=None, verticalOffset=None, fadeSpeed=None, targetOpacity=None, duration=None): """ Initializes the class. :param parent: Widget parent. :type parent: QObject :param color: Widget text color. :type color: QColor :param backgroundColor: Widget background color. :type backgroundColor: QColor :param borderColor: Widget border color. :type borderColor: QColor :param anchor: Widget anchoring area ( From 0 to 8 ). :type anchor: int :param horizontalPadding: Left padding relative to parent Widget. :type horizontalPadding: int :param verticalPadding: Bottom padding relative to parent Widget. :type verticalPadding: int :param horizontalOffset: Widget horizontal offset. :type horizontalOffset: int :param verticalOffset: Widget vertical offset. :type verticalOffset: int :param fadeSpeed: Notification fading speed. :type fadeSpeed: float :param targetOpacity: Notification maximum target opacity. :type targetOpacity: float :param duration: Notification duration in milliseconds. :type duration: int """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) QLabel.__init__(self, parent) # --- Setting class attributes. --- self.__opacity = 0 self.__style = """ QLabel, QLabel link {{ color: {0}; background-color: {1}; border: 4px solid; border-color: {2}; font-size: 14px; padding: 16px; }} """ self.__color = QColor(220, 220, 220) self.__backgroundColor = QColor(32, 32, 32) self.__borderColor = QColor(220, 220, 220) self.color = color if color is not None else self.__color self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor if backgroundColor is not None else self.__backgroundColor self.borderColor = borderColor if borderColor is not None else self.__borderColor self.__anchor = None self.anchor = anchor if anchor is not None else 4 self.__horizontalPadding = None self.horizontalPadding = horizontalPadding if horizontalPadding is not None else 0 self.__verticalPadding = None self.verticalPadding = verticalPadding if verticalPadding is not None else 48 self.__horizontalOffset = None self.horizontalOffset = horizontalOffset if horizontalOffset is not None else 0 self.__verticalOffset = None self.verticalOffset = verticalOffset if verticalOffset is not None else 0 self.__fadeSpeed = fadeSpeed self.fadeSpeed = fadeSpeed if fadeSpeed is not None else 0.15 self.__targetOpacity = None self.targetOpacity = targetOpacity if targetOpacity is not None else 0.75 self.__duration = None self.duration = duration if duration is not None else 2500 self.__vector = 0 self.__timer = QTimer(self) self.__timer.setInterval(25) self.__timer.timeout.connect(self.__setOpacity) #TODO: Check future Qt releases to remove this hack. RuntimeGlobals.layoutsManager and RuntimeGlobals.layoutsManager.layoutRestored.connect(self.__raise) self.__setStyleSheet() #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Attributes properties. #****************************************************************************************************************** @property def color(self): """ Property for **self.__color** attribute. :return: self.__color. :rtype: QColor """ return self.__color @color.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def color(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__color** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: QColor """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is QColor, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'QColor'!".format("color", value) self.__color = value self.__setStyleSheet() @color.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def color(self): """ Deleter for **self.__color** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "color"))
@property def backgroundColor(self): """ Property for **self.__backgroundColor** attribute. :return: self.__backgroundColor. :rtype: QColor """ return self.__backgroundColor @backgroundColor.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def backgroundColor(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__backgroundColor** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: QColor """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is QColor, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'QColor'!".format("backgroundColor", value) self.__backgroundColor = value self.__setStyleSheet() @backgroundColor.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def backgroundColor(self): """ Deleter for **self.__backgroundColor** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "backgroundColor"))
@property def borderColor(self): """ Property for **self.__borderColor** attribute. :return: self.__borderColor. :rtype: QColor """ return self.__borderColor @borderColor.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def borderColor(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__borderColor** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: QColor """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is QColor, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'QColor'!".format("borderColor", value) self.__borderColor = value self.__setStyleSheet() @borderColor.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def borderColor(self): """ Deleter for **self.__borderColor** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "borderColor"))
@property def anchor(self): """ Property for **self.__anchor** attribute. :return: self.__anchor. :rtype: int """ return self.__anchor @anchor.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def anchor(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__anchor** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("anchor", value) assert value in range(0, 9), "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be in '0' to '8' range!".format("anchor", value) self.__anchor = value @anchor.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def anchor(self): """ Deleter for **self.__anchor** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "anchor"))
@property def horizontalPadding(self): """ Property for **self.__horizontalPadding** attribute. :return: self.__horizontalPadding. :rtype: int """ return self.__horizontalPadding @horizontalPadding.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def horizontalPadding(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__horizontalPadding** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("horizontalPadding", value) assert value >= 0, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be positive!".format("horizontalPadding", value) self.__horizontalPadding = value @horizontalPadding.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def horizontalPadding(self): """ Deleter for **self.__horizontalPadding** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "horizontalPadding"))
@property def verticalPadding(self): """ Property for **self.__verticalPadding** attribute. :return: self.__verticalPadding. :rtype: int """ return self.__verticalPadding @verticalPadding.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def verticalPadding(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__verticalPadding** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("verticalPadding", value) assert value > 0, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be positive!".format("verticalPadding", value) self.__verticalPadding = value @verticalPadding.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def verticalPadding(self): """ Deleter for **self.__verticalPadding** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "verticalPadding"))
@property def horizontalOffset(self): """ Property for **self.__horizontalOffset** attribute. :return: self.__horizontalOffset. :rtype: int """ return self.__horizontalOffset @horizontalOffset.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def horizontalOffset(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__horizontalOffset** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("horizontalOffset", value) self.__horizontalOffset = value @horizontalOffset.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def horizontalOffset(self): """ Deleter for **self.__horizontalOffset** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "horizontalOffset"))
@property def verticalOffset(self): """ Property for **self.__verticalOffset** attribute. :return: self.__verticalOffset. :rtype: int """ return self.__verticalOffset @verticalOffset.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def verticalOffset(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__verticalOffset** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("verticalOffset", value) self.__verticalOffset = value @verticalOffset.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def verticalOffset(self): """ Deleter for **self.__verticalOffset** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "verticalOffset"))
@property def fadeSpeed(self): """ Property for **self.__fadeSpeed** attribute. :return: self.__fadeSpeed. :rtype: float """ return self.__fadeSpeed @fadeSpeed.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def fadeSpeed(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__fadeSpeed** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: float """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is float, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'float'!".format("fadeSpeed", value) assert value >= 0, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be exactly positive!".format("fadeSpeed", value) self.__fadeSpeed = value @fadeSpeed.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def fadeSpeed(self): """ Deleter for **self.__fadeSpeed** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "fadeSpeed"))
@property def targetOpacity(self): """ Property for **self.__targetOpacity** attribute. :return: self.__targetOpacity. :rtype: float """ return self.__targetOpacity @targetOpacity.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def targetOpacity(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__targetOpacity** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: float """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is float, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'float'!".format("targetOpacity", value) assert value >= 0, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be positive!".format("targetOpacity", value) assert value <= 1, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be less or equal than '1'!".format("targetOpacity", value) self.__targetOpacity = value @targetOpacity.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def targetOpacity(self): """ Deleter for **self.__targetOpacity** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "targetOpacity"))
@property def duration(self): """ Property for **self.__duration** attribute. :return: self.__duration. :rtype: int """ return self.__duration @duration.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def duration(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__duration** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("duration", value) assert value >= 0, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' need to be exactly positive!".format("duration", value) self.__duration = value @duration.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def duration(self): """ Deleter for **self.__duration** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "duration"))
@property def opacity(self): """ Property for **self.__opacity** attribute. :return: self.__opacity. :rtype: float """ return self.__opacity @opacity.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def opacity(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__opacity** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: float """ if value is not None: assert type(value) in (int, float), "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int' or 'float'!".format("opacity", value) if value > 1: value = 1 elif value < 0: value = 0 self.__opacity = float(value) self.__setStyleSheet() @opacity.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def opacity(self): """ Deleter for **self.__opacity** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "opacity"))
@property def style(self): """ Property for **self.__style** attribute. :return: self.__style. :rtype: unicode """ return self.__style @style.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError) def style(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__style** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: unicode """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "style")) @style.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def style(self): """ Deleter for **self.__style** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "style")) #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Class methods. #******************************************************************************************************************
[docs] def setParent(self, parent): """ Reimplements the :meth:`QLabel.setParent` method. :param parent: Parent. :type parent: QObject """ QLabel.setParent(self, parent) self.__setPosition()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): """ Reimplements the :meth:`QLabel.resizeEvent` method. :param event: QEvent. :type event: QEvent """ QLabel.resizeEvent(self, event) self.__setPosition()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Reimplements the :meth:`QLabel.mousePressEvent` method. :param event: QEvent. :type event: QEvent """ self.notificationClicked.emit(self.text())
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): """ Reimplements the :meth:`QLabel.showEvent` method. :param event: QEvent. :type event: QEvent """ QLabel.showEvent(self, event) self.__setPosition()
def __raise(self, *args): """ Ensures that the Widget stays on top of the parent stack forcing the redraw. :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* """ children = self.parent().children().remove(self) if children: self.stackUnder(children[-1]) else: self.lower() self.raise_() def __setPosition(self): """ Sets the Widget position relatively to its parent. """ rectangle = hasattr(self.parent(), "viewport") and self.parent().viewport().rect() or self.parent().rect() if not rectangle: return self.adjustSize() if self.__anchor == 0: pointX = rectangle.width() / 2 - self.width() / 2 pointY = self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 1: pointX = rectangle.width() - self.width() - self.__horizontalPadding pointY = self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 2: pointX = rectangle.width() - self.width() - self.__horizontalPadding pointY = rectangle.height() / 2 - self.height() / 2 elif self.__anchor == 3: pointX = rectangle.width() - self.width() - self.__horizontalPadding pointY = rectangle.height() - self.height() - self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 4: pointX = rectangle.width() / 2 - self.width() / 2 pointY = rectangle.height() - self.height() - self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 5: pointX = self.__horizontalPadding pointY = rectangle.height() - self.height() - self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 6: pointX = self.__horizontalPadding pointY = rectangle.height() / 2 - self.height() / 2 elif self.__anchor == 7: pointX = self.__horizontalPadding pointY = self.__verticalPadding elif self.__anchor == 8: pointX = rectangle.width() / 2 - self.width() / 2 pointY = rectangle.height() / 2 - self.height() / 2 self.setGeometry(pointX + self.__horizontalOffset, pointY + self.__verticalOffset, self.width(), self.height()) def __fadeIn(self): """ Starts the Widget fade in. """ self.__timer.stop() self.__vector = self.__fadeSpeed self.__timer.start() def __fadeOut(self): """ Starts the Widget fade out. """ self.__timer.stop() self.__vector = -self.__fadeSpeed self.__timer.start() def __setOpacity(self): """ Sets the Widget opacity. """ if self.__vector > 0: if self.isHidden(): if self.opacity <= self.__targetOpacity: self.opacity += self.__vector else: self.__timer.stop() self.fadedIn.emit() self.__duration and QTimer.singleShot(self.__duration, self.__fadeOut) elif self.__vector < 0: if self.opacity > 0: self.opacity += self.__vector else: self.__timer.stop() self.fadedOut.emit() self.hide() def __setStyleSheet(self): """ Sets the Widget stylesheet. """ colors = map(lambda x:"rgb({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(,,, int(self.__opacity * 255)), (self.__color, self.__backgroundColor, self.__borderColor)) self.setStyleSheet(self.__style.format(*colors))
[docs] def showMessage(self, message, duration=2500): """ Shows given message. :param message: Message. :type message: unicode :param duration: Notification duration in milliseconds. :type duration: int :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ self.setText(message) self.__duration = duration self.__setPosition() if message: self.__fadeIn() else: self.__fadeOut() return True
[docs] def hideMessage(self): """ Hides the current message. :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ self.__fadeOut() return True
[docs] def refreshPosition(self): """ Refreshes the Widget position. :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ self.__setPosition() return True # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: if __name__ == "__main__": # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: import random # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: import sys # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: from PyQt4.QtGui import QGridLayout # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: from PyQt4.QtGui import QPlainTextEdit # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: import umbra.ui.common # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: application = umbra.ui.common.getApplicationInstance() # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: widget = QWidget() # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: gridLayout = QGridLayout() # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: widget.setLayout(gridLayout) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: plainTextEdit = QPlainTextEdit() # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: plainTextEdit.setReadOnly(True) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: gridLayout.addWidget(plainTextEdit) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: notification_QLabel = Notification_QLabel(plainTextEdit, verticalPadding=64) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: def _pushButton__clicked(*args): # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: notification_QLabel.color = QColor(random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: notification_QLabel.showMessage("This is a notification message!", 1500) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: plainTextEdit.resizeEvent = lambda event: reduce(lambda *args: None, # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: (notification_QLabel.refreshPosition(), QPlainTextEdit(plainTextEdit).resizeEvent(event))) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: pushButton = QPushButton("Notify!") # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: pushButton.clicked.connect(_pushButton__clicked) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: gridLayout.addWidget(pushButton) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: widget.raise_() # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: sys.exit(application.exec_()) # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: