5. Changes
5.1. 1.0.9 - Stable
- Handled potential IOError exceptions related to foundations.common.foundations.common.isBinaryFile definition usage when accessing a locked file.
- Prevented exception reports stacking.
- Prevented AttributeError exception in umbra.components.scriptEditor.scriptEditor.ScriptEditor.__editor__modificationChanged method.
- Prevented files reloading on exit in scriptEditor component.
- Fixed notificationsManager notifiers insertion order.
- Fixed caching issue in foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.write method.
- Handled BadZipfile exception in foundations.pkzip.Pkzip.extractZipFile method.
- Ensured notificationsManager has a maximum number of displayed notifiers at same time.
- Ensured foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.parse method reads current file content if no content has been previously set.
- Ensured that loggers and their formatters receive unicode data.
- Removed dependency on ordereddict for Python versions that already include it.
- Moved foundations.common.isBinaryFile definition into foundations.io module.
- Added foundations.shell. module.
- Extracted documentation utilities to their own repository.
- Pass various globals variables through arguments in umbra.engine.Umbra class.
- Refactored magic methods implementation in various managers.
- Implemented get method in various managers.
- Implemented __setitem__ method in various managers.
- Implemented magic methods tests for foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser class.
- Implemented foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.setValue method.
- Implemented support for ANSI escape codes.
- Implemented new documentation theme.
- Reformatted package docstrings.
- Verbosed PyQt version on startup.
5.2. 1.0.8 - Stable
- Implemented better unicode support.
5.3. 1.0.7 - Stable
- Improved symbols expanding behavior in Script Editor Component.
- Improved various dialog button sizes.
- Handled gaierror exception in Tcp Client Component.
- Fixed Script Editor Component Save File As action unexpected behavior.
- Fixed Script Editor Component searchAndReplace replace method.
- Fixed slowdown when switching editor in Script Editor Component.
- Fixed symbols matching in Script Editor Component.
- Fixed socket module related exceptions in foundations.common.isInternetAvailable definition.
- Handled non existing files and directories in foundations.pkzip.Pkzip.extract method.
5.4. 1.0.6 - Stable
- Ensured Reporter is not initialising the “Crittercism” Client API 2 times.
- Fixed Search And Replace dialog patterns related exception.
5.5. 1.0.5 - Stable
- Fixed the encoding related issues preventing sIBL_GUI to work properly.
5.6. 1.0.4 - Stable
- Implemented an unhandled exceptions Reporter connected to https://www.crittercism.com/
- Implemented Trace Ui Component.
- Reloading a Component will reload its dependencies in Components Manager Ui Component.
- Implemented command line support for modules execution tracing through -t, –traceModules parameter.
- Implemented support for per instance logging file.
- Views display user friendly default message.
- Fixed various widgets classes, implemented small ui test cases.
- Fixed inconsistent Ui startup verbose level.
- Components are properly displayed in Components Manager Ui Component.
5.7. 1.0.3 - Stable
- Added support for Python 2.6.
5.8. 1.0.2 - Stable
Umbra 1.0.2 - Stable - Milestone: https://github.com/KelSolaar/Umbra/issues?milestone=2&state=closed
- Updated package directory structure to be compliant with Python Package Index.
- Added documentation / Api files.
- Implemented TCP Server Ui Component.
- Implemented Script Editor Component file revert.
- Implemented script Editor Component session store / restore.
- Implemented script Editor Component project management through Projects Explorer Component.
- Implemented a generic fileSystemWatcher class.
- Loading a file in the Script Editor Component open the file browser at the current editor location.
- Search In Files / Search And Replace dialogs search QComboBox have their text selected on dialog open.
- Multiples files can be loaded at same time in Script Editor Component.
- Ensure messageBox dialogs are centered on screen by default.
- Fix issue where closing a tab in Script Editor Component may trigger closing of the next tab.
- Fix various other Script Editor issues: https://github.com/KelSolaar/Umbra/issues?labels=Defect&milestone=2&page=1&state=closed
5.9. 1.0.1 - Beta
Umbra 1.0.1 - Beta - Milestone: https://github.com/KelSolaar/Umbra/issues?milestone=1&state=closed
- Implemented notifications manager code.
- Implemented Search In Files in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented matching symbols pairs highlighting in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented occurences highlighting in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented Duplicate Line(s) methods in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented Delete Line(s) methods in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented Move Up / Down methods in Script Editor Component.
- Implemented Font Size Increase / Decrease methods in Script Editor Component.
- Refactored the layouts management code.
- Added support for command line files arguments.
5.10. 1.0.0 - Alpha
- Initial release of Umbra.