Source code for umbra.ui.nodes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


	Windows, Linux, Mac Os X.

	Defines the Application nodes classes.



#***	Future imports.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

#***	External imports.
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt

#***	Internal imports.
import foundations.exceptions
import foundations.verbose
import umbra.ui.models
from foundations.nodes import AbstractCompositeNode
from foundations.nodes import Attribute

#***	Module attributes.
__author__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 - Thomas Mansencal"
__license__ = "GPL V3.0 -"
__maintainer__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = ["LOGGER",
		"DefaultNode" ,

LOGGER = foundations.verbose.installLogger()

#***	Module classes and definitions.
[docs]class Mixin_GraphModelObject(object): """ Defines a mixin used to bring common capabilities in Application Nodes classes. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the class. """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) # --- Setting class attributes. --- self.__roles = None self.__flags = None self.__triggerModel = False #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Attributes properties. #****************************************************************************************************************** @property def roles(self): """ Property for **self.__roles** attribute. :return: self.__roles. :rtype: dict """ return self.__roles @roles.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def roles(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__roles** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: dict """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is dict, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'dict'!".format("roles", value) for key in value: assert type(key) is Qt.ItemDataRole, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'Qt.ItemDataRole'!".format("roles", key) self.__roles = value @roles.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def roles(self): """ Deleter for **self.__roles** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "roles"))
@property def flags(self): """ Property for **self.__flags** attribute. :return: self.__flags. :rtype: int """ return self.__flags @flags.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def flags(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__flags** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: int """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is int, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'int'!".format("flags", value) self.__flags = value @flags.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def flags(self): """ Deleter for **self.__flags** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "flags"))
@property def triggerModel(self): """ Property for **self.__triggerModel** attribute. :return: self.__triggerModel. :rtype: bool """ return self.__triggerModel @triggerModel.setter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError) def triggerModel(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__triggerModel** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: bool """ if value is not None: assert type(value) is bool, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'bool'!".format("triggerModel", value) self.__triggerModel = value @triggerModel.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def triggerModel(self): """ Deleter for **self.__triggerModel** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "triggerModel"))
[docs]class GraphModelAttribute(Attribute, Mixin_GraphModelObject): """ Defines a storage object for the :class:`GraphModelNode` class attributes. """ def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, roles=None, flags=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param name: Attribute name. :type name: unicode :param value: Attribute value. :type value: object :param roles: Roles. :type roles: dict :param flags: Flags. :type flags: int :param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. :type \*\*kwargs: \*\* """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) Attribute.__init__(self, name, value, **kwargs) Mixin_GraphModelObject.__init__(self) # --- Setting class attributes. --- self.roles = roles or {Qt.DisplayRole : value, Qt.EditRole : value} self.flags = flags or int(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Class methods. #****************************************************************************************************************** def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Reimplements the :meth:`foundations.nodes.Attribute.__setattr__` method. :param attribute: Attribute. :type attribute: object :param value: Value. :type value: object """ currentValue = getattr(self, attribute, None) Attribute.__setattr__(self, attribute, value) if not attribute in ("_Attribute__name", "_Attribute__value", "_Attribute__roles", "_Attribute__flags"): return triggerModel = getattr(self, "_Mixin_GraphModelObject__triggerModel", False) if triggerModel and value is not currentValue: self.attributeChanged() __setitem__ = __setattr__
[docs] def attributeChanged(self): """ Triggers the host model(s) :meth:`umbra.ui.models.GraphModel.attributeChanged` method. :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ for model in umbra.ui.models.GraphModel.findModel(self): headers = model.horizontalHeaders.values() if not in headers: continue model.attributeChanged(model.findNode(self), headers.index( return True
[docs]class GraphModelNode(AbstractCompositeNode, Mixin_GraphModelObject): """ Defines :class:`GraphModel` class base Node object. """ __family = "GraphModel" """ :param __family: Node family. :type __family: unicode """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, children=None, roles=None, flags=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param name: Node name. :type name: unicode :param parent: Node parent. :type parent: AbstractNode or AbstractCompositeNode :param children: Children. :type children: list :param roles: Roles. :type roles: dict :param flags: Flags. ( Qt.ItemFlag ) :param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. :type \*\*kwargs: \*\* """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) AbstractCompositeNode.__init__(self, name, parent, children, **kwargs) Mixin_GraphModelObject.__init__(self) # --- Setting class attributes. --- self.roles = roles or {Qt.DisplayRole :, Qt.EditRole :} self.flags = flags or int(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Class methods. #****************************************************************************************************************** def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Reimplements the :meth:`foundations.nodes.AbstractCompositeNode.__setattr__` method. :param attribute.: Attribute. :type attribute.: object :param value.: Value. :type value.: object """ currentValue = getattr(self, attribute, None) AbstractCompositeNode.__setattr__(self, attribute, value) if not attribute in ("_GraphModelNode__name", "_GraphModelNode__roles", "_GraphModelNode__flags"): return triggerModel = getattr(self, "_Mixin_GraphModelObject__triggerModel", False) if triggerModel and value is not currentValue: self.nodeChanged() __setitem__ = __setattr__
[docs] def nodeChanged(self): """ Triggers the host model(s) :meth:`umbra.ui.models.GraphModel.nodeChanged` method. :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ for model in umbra.ui.models.GraphModel.findModel(self): model.nodeChanged(self) return True
[docs]class DefaultNode(AbstractCompositeNode): """ | Defines the default Node used in :class:`GraphModel` class model. | This simple Node is used as an invisible root Node for :class:`GraphModel` class models. """ __family = "Default" """ :param __family: Node family. :type __family: unicode """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, children=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param name: Node name. :type name: unicode :param parent: Node parent. :type parent: AbstractCompositeNode :param children: Children. :type children: list :param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. :type \*\*kwargs: \*\* """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) AbstractCompositeNode.__init__(self, name, parent, children, **kwargs)
[docs]class FormatNode(AbstractCompositeNode): """ Defines the format base Node object. """ __family = "Format" """ :param __family: Node family. :type __family: unicode """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, children=None, format=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param name: Node name. :type name: unicode :param parent: Node parent. :type parent: AbstractNode or AbstractCompositeNode :param children: Children. :type children: list :param format: Format. :type format: object :param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. :type \*\*kwargs: \*\* """ LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) AbstractCompositeNode.__init__(self, name, parent, children, **kwargs) # --- Setting class attributes. --- self.__format = None self.format = format #****************************************************************************************************************** #*** Attributes properties. #****************************************************************************************************************** @property def format(self): """ Property for **self.__format** attribute. :return: self.__format. :rtype: object """ return self.__format @format.setter def format(self, value): """ Setter for **self.__format** attribute. :param value: Attribute value. :type value: object """ self.__format = value @format.deleter # Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def format(self): """ Deleter for **self.__format** attribute. """ raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError( "{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "format"))