#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Windows, Linux, Mac Os X.
| Defines the :class:`ActionsManager` class.
| The :class:`ActionsManager` class provides a centralized hub to manage Applications actions.
| It defines methods to register, unregister and list actions.
#*** Future imports.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
#*** External imports.
import re
import itertools
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject
from PyQt4.QtGui import QAction
from PyQt4.QtGui import QKeySequence
#*** Internal imports.
import foundations.dataStructures
import foundations.exceptions
import foundations.namespace
import foundations.verbose
import foundations.walkers
import umbra.exceptions
#*** Module attributes.
__author__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 - Thomas Mansencal"
__license__ = "GPL V3.0 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/"
__maintainer__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = ["LOGGER", "ActionsManager"]
LOGGER = foundations.verbose.installLogger()
#*** Module classes and definitions.
[docs]class ActionsManager(QObject):
Defines a `QObject <http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qobject.html>`_ subclass providing an actions manager.
def __init__(self, parent=None, namespaceSplitter="|", rootNamespace="Actions", defaultNamespace="Others"):
Initializes the class.
:param parent: Object parent.
:type parent: QObject
:param namespaceSplitter: Namespace splitters character.
:type namespaceSplitter: unicode
:param rootNamespace: Root foundations.namespace.
:type rootNamespace: unicode
:param defaultNamespace: Default namespace ( For actions with relative path ).
:type defaultNamespace: unicode
LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
# --- Setting class attributes. ---
self.__namespaceSplitter = None
self.namespaceSplitter = namespaceSplitter
self.__rootNamespace = None
self.rootNamespace = rootNamespace
self.__defaultNamespace = None
self.defaultNamespace = defaultNamespace
self.__categories = {}
self.__actionsSignalsSlots = {}
#*** Attributes properties.
def namespaceSplitter(self):
Property for **self.__namespaceSplitter** attribute.
:return: self.__namespaceSplitter.
:rtype: unicode
return self.__namespaceSplitter
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError)
def namespaceSplitter(self, value):
Setter for **self.__namespaceSplitter** attribute.
:param value: Attribute value.
:type value: unicode
if value is not None:
assert type(value) is unicode, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'unicode'!".format(
"namespaceSplitter", value)
assert len(value) == 1, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' has multiples characters!".format("namespaceSplitter",
assert not re.search(r"\w", value), "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' is an alphanumeric character!".format(
"namespaceSplitter", value)
self.__namespaceSplitter = value
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def namespaceSplitter(self):
Deleter for **self.__namespaceSplitter** attribute.
raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "namespaceSplitter"))
def rootNamespace(self):
Property for **self.__rootNamespace** attribute.
:return: self.__rootNamespace.
:rtype: unicode
return self.__rootNamespace
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError)
def rootNamespace(self, value):
Setter for **self.__rootNamespace** attribute.
:param value: Attribute value.
:type value: unicode
if value is not None:
assert type(value) is unicode, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'unicode'!".format(
"rootNamespace", value)
self.__rootNamespace = value
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def rootNamespace(self):
Deleter for **self.__rootNamespace** attribute.
raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "rootNamespace"))
def defaultNamespace(self):
Property for **self.__defaultNamespace** attribute.
:return: self.__defaultNamespace.
:rtype: unicode
return self.__defaultNamespace
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError)
def defaultNamespace(self, value):
Setter for **self.__defaultNamespace** attribute.
:param value: Attribute value.
:type value: unicode
if value is not None:
assert type(value) is unicode, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'unicode'!".format(
"defaultNamespace", value)
self.__defaultNamespace = value
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def defaultNamespace(self):
Deleter for **self.__defaultNamespace** attribute.
raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "defaultNamespace"))
def categories(self):
Property for **self.__categories** attribute.
:return: self.__categories.
:rtype: dict
return self.__categories
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(AssertionError)
def categories(self, value):
Setter for **self.__categories** attribute.
:param value: Attribute value.
:type value: dict
if value is not None:
assert type(value) is dict, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'dict'!".format("categories", value)
for key, element in value.iteritems():
assert type(key) is dict, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'dict'!".format("categories", key)
assert type(element) is list, "'{0}' attribute: '{1}' type is not 'list'!".format("categories", element)
self.__categories = value
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError)
[docs] def categories(self):
Deleter for **self.__categories** attribute.
raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "categories"))
#*** Class methods.
def __getitem__(self, action):
Reimplements the :meth:`object.__getitem__` method.
:param action: Action name.
:type action: unicode
:return: Action.
:rtype: QAction
action = self.__normalizeName(action)
for path, name, object in foundations.walkers.dictionariesWalker(self.__categories):
if action == foundations.namespace.setNamespace(self.__namespaceSplitter.join(path), name):
LOGGER.debug("> Retrieved object for '{0}' action name!".format(action))
return object
raise umbra.exceptions.ActionExistsError(
"{0} | '{1}' action isn't registered!".format(self.__class__.__name__, action))
def __setitem__(self, action, kwargs):
Reimplements the :meth:`object.__setitem__` method.
:param action: Action.
:type action: unicode
:param kwargs: kwargs.
:type kwargs: dict
self.registerAction(action, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self):
Reimplements the :meth:`object.__iter__` method.
:return: Actions iterator.
:rtype: object
return foundations.walkers.dictionariesWalker(self.__categories)
def __contains__(self, action):
Reimplements the :meth:`object.__contains__` method.
:param action: Action name.
:type action: unicode
:return: Action existence.
:rtype: bool
for path, name, object in self:
if foundations.namespace.setNamespace(self.__namespaceSplitter.join(path), name) == action:
return True
return False
def __len__(self):
Reimplements the :meth:`object.__len__` method.
:return: Actions count.
:rtype: int
return len([action for action in self])
def __normalizeName(self, name):
Normalizes given action name.
:param name: Action name.
:type name: unicode
:return: Normalized name.
:rtype: bool
if not name.startswith(self.__rootNamespace):
name = foundations.namespace.setNamespace(self.__rootNamespace,
foundations.namespace.setNamespace(self.__defaultNamespace, name))
LOGGER.debug("> Normalized name: '{0}'.".format(name))
return name
LOGGER.debug("> Name '{0}' is already normalized!".format(name))
return name
def __getCategory(self, category, name, vivify=False):
Gets recusively requested category, alternately if **vivify** argument is set,
the category will be created.
:param category: Base category.
:type category: dict
:param name: Category to retrieve or vivify.
:type name: unicode
:param vivify: Vivify missing parents in the chain to the requested category.
:type vivify: bool
:return: Requested category.
:rtype: dict
namespace = foundations.namespace.getNamespace(name, rootOnly=True)
name = foundations.namespace.removeNamespace(name, rootOnly=True)
if namespace:
if vivify and namespace not in category:
category[namespace] = {}
return self.__getCategory(category[namespace], name, vivify)
if vivify and name not in category:
category[name] = {}
return category[name]
[docs] def get(self, action, default=None):
Returns given action value.
:param action: Action name.
:type action: unicode
:param default: Default value if action is not found.
:type default: object
:return: Action.
:rtype: QAction
return self.__getitem__(action)
except KeyError as error:
return default
[docs] def listActions(self):
Returns the registered actions.
:return: Actions list.
:rtype: list
actions = []
for path, actionName, action in self:
actions.append(self.__namespaceSplitter.join(itertools.chain(path, (actionName,))))
return sorted(actions)
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process:
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(umbra.exceptions.CategoryExistsError)
[docs] def getCategory(self, name, vivify=False):
Returns requested category.
:param name: Category to retrieve.
:type name: unicode
:param vivify: Vivify missing parents in the chain to the requested category.
:type vivify: bool
:return: Category.
:rtype: dict
category = self.__getCategory(self.__categories, name, vivify)
if isinstance(category, dict):
LOGGER.debug("> Category '{0}': '{1}'.".format(name, category))
return category
raise umbra.exceptions.CategoryExistsError("{0} | '{1}' category doesn't exists!".format
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
[docs] def addToCategory(self, category, name, action):
Adds given action to given category.
:param category: Category to store the action.
:type category: unicode
:param name: Action name.
:type name: unicode
:param action: Action object.
:type action: QAction
:return: Method success.
:rtype: bool
category = self.getCategory(category, vivify=True)
if not isinstance(category, dict):
return False
category[name] = action
LOGGER.debug("> Added '{0}' action to '{1}' category!".format(category, name))
return True
[docs] def removeFromCategory(self, category, name):
Removes given action from given category.
:param category: Category to remove the action from.
:type category: unicode
:param name: Action name.
:type name: unicode
:return: Method success.
:rtype: bool
category = self.getCategory(category)
if not isinstance(category, dict):
return False
del (category[name])
LOGGER.debug("> Removed '{0}' action from '{1}' category!".format(category, name))
return True
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process:
# Oncilla: Statement commented by auto-documentation process: @foundations.exceptions.handleExceptions(umbra.exceptions.ActionExistsError)
[docs] def getAction(self, action):
Returns requested action.
:param action: Action name.
:type action: unicode
:return: Action.
:rtype: QAction
return self[action]
[docs] def isActionRegistered(self, name):
Returns if the given action name is registered.
:param name: Action name.
:type name: unicode
:return: Is action registered.
:rtype: bool
return name in self
[docs] def registerAction(self, name, **kwargs):
Registers given action name, optional arguments like a parent, icon, slot etc ... can be given.
:param name: Action to register.
:type name: unicode
:param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments.
:type \*\*kwargs: \*\*
:return: Action.
:rtype: QAction
settings = foundations.dataStructures.Structure(**{"parent": None,
"text": None,
"icon": None,
"iconText": None,
"checkable": None,
"checked": None,
"statusTip": None,
"whatsThis": None,
"toolTip": None,
"shortcut": None,
"shortcutContext": None,
"slot": None})
name = self.__normalizeName(name)
category = foundations.namespace.getNamespace(name)
name = foundations.namespace.removeNamespace(name)
action = QAction(name, settings.parent or self)
self.addToCategory(category, name, action)
settings.text and action.setText(settings.text)
settings.icon and action.setIcon(settings.icon)
settings.iconText and action.setIconText(settings.iconText)
settings.checkable and action.setCheckable(settings.checkable)
settings.checked and action.setChecked(settings.checked)
settings.statusTip and action.setStatusTip(settings.statusTip)
settings.whatsThis and action.setWhatsThis(settings.whatsThis)
settings.toolTip and action.setToolTip(settings.toolTip)
settings.shortcut and action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(settings.shortcut))
settings.shortcutContext and action.setShortcutContext(settings.shortcutContext)
if settings.slot:
self.__actionsSignalsSlots[action] = settings.slot
return action
[docs] def unregisterAction(self, name):
Unregisters given action name.
:param name: Action to register.
:type name: unicode
:return: Method success.
:rtype: bool
name = self.__normalizeName(name)
action = self.getAction(name)
if not action:
return False
category = foundations.namespace.getNamespace(name)
name = foundations.namespace.removeNamespace(name)
self.removeFromCategory(category, name)
return True
[docs] def isShortcutInUse(self, shortcut):
Returns if given action shortcut is in use.
:param name: Action shortcut.
:type name: unicode
:return: Is shortcut in use.
:rtype: bool
for path, actionName, action in foundations.walkers.dictionariesWalker(self.__categories):
if action.shortcut() == QKeySequence(shortcut):
return True
return False
[docs] def getShortcut(self, name):
Returns given action shortcut.
:param name: Action to retrieve the shortcut.
:type name: unicode
:return: Action shortcut.
:rtype: unicode
name = self.__normalizeName(name)
action = self.getAction(name)
if not action:
return ""
return action.shortcut().toString()
[docs] def setShortcut(self, name, shortcut):
Sets given action shortcut.
:param name: Action to set the shortcut.
:type name: unicode
:param shortcut: Shortcut to set.
:type shortcut: unicode
:return: Method success.
:rtype: bool
name = self.__normalizeName(name)
action = self.getAction(name)
if not action:
return True