Source code for foundations.dataStructures

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


	Windows, Linux, Mac Os X.

	Defines **Foundations** package data structures objects.



#***	Future imports.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

#***	External imports.
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 6):
	from ordereddict import OrderedDict
	from collections import OrderedDict

#***	Internal imports.
import foundations.verbose

#***	Module attributes.
__author__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 - Thomas Mansencal"
__license__ = "GPL V3.0 -"
__maintainer__ = "Thomas Mansencal"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = ["LOGGER",

LOGGER = foundations.verbose.installLogger()

#***	Module classes and definitions.
[docs]class NestedAttribute(object): """ Defines an helper object providing methods to manipulate nested attributes. Usage: >>> nest = NestedAttribute() >>> = "Value" >>> Value >>> nest.another.very.deeply.nested.attribute = 64 >>> nest.another.very.deeply.nested.attribute 64 """ def __getattr__(self, attribute): """ Returns requested attribute. :param attribute: Attribute name. :type attribute: unicode :return: Attribute. :rtype: object """ self.__dict__[attribute] = NestedAttribute() return self.__dict__[attribute] def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets given attribute with given value. :param attribute: Attribute name. :type attribute: unicode :param name: Attribute value. :type name: object """ namespaces = attribute.split(".") object.__setattr__(reduce(object.__getattribute__, namespaces[:-1], self), namespaces[-1], value) def __delattr__(self, attribute): """ Deletes given attribute with. :param attribute: Attribute name. :type attribute: unicode """ namespaces = attribute.split(".") object.__delattr__(reduce(object.__getattribute__, namespaces[:-1], self), namespaces[-1])
[docs]class Structure(dict): """ Defines an object similar to C/C++ structured type. Usage: >>> person = Structure(firstName="Doe", lastName="John", gender="male") >>> person.firstName 'Doe' >>> person.keys() ['gender', 'firstName', 'lastName'] >>> person["gender"] 'male' >>> del(person["gender"]) >>> person["gender"] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'gender' >>> person.gender Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'Structure' object has no attribute 'gender' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* :param \*\*kwargs: Key / Value pairs. :type \*\*kwargs: dict """ dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, attribute): """ Returns given attribute value. :return: Attribute value. :rtype: object """ try: return dict.__getitem__(self, attribute) except KeyError: raise AttributeError("'{0}' object has no attribute '{1}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, attribute)) def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets both key and sibling attribute with given value. :param attribute: Attribute. :type attribute: object :param value: Value. :type value: object """ dict.__setitem__(self, attribute, value) object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value) __setitem__ = __setattr__ def __delattr__(self, attribute): """ Deletes both key and sibling attribute. :param attribute: Attribute. :type attribute: object """ dict.__delitem__(self, attribute) object.__delattr__(self, attribute) __delitem__ = __delattr__
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reimplements the :meth:`Dict.update` method. :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* :param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. :type \*\*kwargs: \*\* """ dict.update(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__dict__.update(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OrderedStructure(OrderedDict): """ | Defines an object similar to C/C++ structured type. | Contrary to the :class:`Structure` since this class inherits from :class:`collections.OrderedDict`, its content is ordered. Usage: >>> people = OrderedStructure([("personA", "John"), ("personB", "Jane"), ("personC", "Luke")]) >>> people OrderedStructure([('personA', 'John'), ('personB', 'Jane'), ('personC', 'Luke')]) >>> people.keys() ['personA', 'personB', 'personC'] >>> people.personA 'John' >>> del(people["personA"]) >>> people["personA"] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'personA' >>> people.personA Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'OrderedStructure' object has no attribute 'personA' >>> people.personB = "Kate" >>> people["personB"] 'Kate' >>> people.personB 'Kate' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes the class. :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* :param \*\*kwargs: Key / Value pairs. :type \*\*kwargs: dict """ OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key, value, *args, **kwargs): """ Sets a key and sibling attribute with given value. :param key: Key. :type key: object :param value: Value. :type value: object :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* :param \*\*kwargs: Key / Value pairs. :type \*\*kwargs: dict """ OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value, *args, **kwargs) OrderedDict.__setattr__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs): """ Deletes both key and sibling attribute. :param key: Key. :type key: object :param \*args: Arguments. :type \*args: \* :param \*\*kwargs: Key / Value pairs. :type \*\*kwargs: dict """ OrderedDict.__delitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs) OrderedDict.__delattr__(self, key) def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets both key and sibling attribute with given value. :param attribute: Attribute. :type attribute: object :param value: Value. :type value: object """ if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 6): if not attribute in ("_OrderedDict__map", "_OrderedDict__end"): OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, attribute, value) else: if hasattr(self, "_OrderedDict__root") and hasattr(self, "_OrderedDict__map"): if self._OrderedDict__root: OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, attribute, value) OrderedDict.__setattr__(self, attribute, value) def __delattr__(self, attribute): """ Deletes both key and sibling attribute. :param attribute: Attribute. :type attribute: object """ if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 6): if not attribute in ("_OrderedDict__map", "_OrderedDict__end"): OrderedDict.__delitem__(self, attribute) else: if hasattr(self, "_OrderedDict__root") and hasattr(self, "_OrderedDict__map"): if self._OrderedDict__root: OrderedDict.__delitem__(self, attribute) OrderedDict.__delattr__(self, attribute)
[docs]class Lookup(dict): """ Extends dict type to provide a lookup by value(s). Usage: >>> person = Lookup(firstName="Doe", lastName="John", gender="male") >>> person.getFirstKeyFromValue("Doe") 'firstName' >>> persons = foundations.dataStructures.Lookup(John="Doe", Jane="Doe", Luke="Skywalker") >>> persons.getKeysFromValue("Doe") ['Jane', 'John'] """
[docs] def getFirstKeyFromValue(self, value): """ Gets the first key from given value. :param value: Value. :type value: object :return: Key. :rtype: object """ for key, data in self.iteritems(): if data == value: return key
[docs] def getKeysFromValue(self, value): """ Gets the keys from given value. :param value: Value. :type value: object :return: Keys. :rtype: object """ return [key for key, data in self.iteritems() if data == value]