5. Changes
5.1. 2.1.0 - Stable
Foundations 2.1.0 - Stable - Milestone: https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/issues?milestone=8&state=closed
- Fixed caching issue in foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.write method.
- Moved foundations.common.isBinaryFile definition into foundations.io module.
- Handled BadZipfile exception in foundations.pkzip.Pkzip.extractZipFile method.
- Ensured foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.parse method reads current file content if no content has been previously set.
- Ensured that loggers and their formatters receive unicode data.
- Removed dependency on ordereddict for Python versions that already include it.
- Added foundations.shell. module.
- Extracted documentation utilities to their own repository.
- Implemented magic methods tests for foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser class.
- Implemented foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.setValue method.
- Implemented support for ANSI escape codes.
- Implemented new documentation theme.
- Reformatted package docstrings.
5.6. 2.0.4 - Stable
Foundations 2.0.4 - Stable - Milestone: https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/issues?milestone=2&state=closed
- Refactored exceptions handling code in foundations.exceptions module.
- Refactored execution tracing code through new foundations.trace module.
- Refactored verbose logging code through new foundations.verbose module.
- Generic purpose decorators have been moved to dedicated foundations.decorators module.
- foundations.io.File class now supports online resources.
- Added foundations.common.dependencyResolver definition.
5.8. 2.0.2 - Stable
- Updated package directory structure to be compliant with Python Package Index.
- Added documentation / Api files.
- Added TCP server implementation through foundations.tcpServer module.
- foundations.walkers.FilesWalker class has been refactored to foundations.walkers.filesWalker generator definition.
5.9. 2.0.1 - Stable
- Prevented memory leak in foundations.dataStuctures.Structure class.
5.10. 2.0.0 - Stable
- Major package refactor.
- Added cache, dag, dataStructures modules and associated units tests module.
5.11. 1.0.4 - Stable
- Reorganize package directories structure.
- Added rotatingBackup module and associated testsRotatingBackup units tests module.
5.12. 1.0.3 - Stable
- Ensured that the parser will split attributes only one time.
- Added toPosixPath method to strings module and associated units tests.
5.13. 1.0.2 - Stable
- Added getWords and filterWords methods to strings module and associated units tests.
- Implemented filterWords in walkers module.
- Added getSplitextBasename definition to strings module and associated units tests to testsStrings module.
- Replaced list comprehension expressions by generators.
5.14. 1.0.1 - Stable
- Added namespace module and associated testsGlobals units tests module.
5.15. 1.0.0 - Stable
- Initial release of Foundations.